Metaknowledge Perspective on Russian Studies

The Project “Metaknowledge Perspective on Russian Studies” is conducted by the team of Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education (CIASE). The center was founded in 2017 by the European University at St. Petersburg, a graduate school in the social sciences and humanities and one of the leading research centers on Russian social, political and economic issues. CIASE specializes in the study of institutional forms in which academic life takes place – organizations, scientific communication arenas, forms of disciplinary self-organizations. We study what factors influence these forms (science policies, regulatory arrangements, market drives, cultural, technological, and demographic shifts) and how they affect the nature of the knowledge produced.


Katerina Guba (PhD in Sociology), Principal investigator
Angelika Tsivinskaya (MA in Applied Mathematics), Researcher
Sergey Mashukov (MA in Sociology), Researcher
Nikita Burawoy Data analyst
Elena Chechik Data analyst
Please, email us if you have feedback or questions concerning the project and ranking.